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AIUDF to contest urban polls for first time

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The Times of India              27.05.2013

AIUDF to contest urban polls for first time

GUWAHATI: The All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) has jumped into the Guwahati municipal election fray, deciding to field candidates in 15 municipal wards.

So far, AIUDF had contested in the assembly, Lok Sabha and panchayat elections. The party recently decided to field a candidate in the forthcoming Rajya Sabha election for the first time since its formation in 2006 as well.

AIUDF leaders said that contesting in the municipal election is crucial to build up the party as one of the political alternatives for city residents. It will finalize the list of candidates soon.

While Congress, AGP and BJP have already decided to contest the municipal polls, the participation of AIUDF will add new political dimension to the election, political observers said. Election to the 31 municipal wards will be held on June 19.

"We have geared up for the municipal election. Our ward-level committees have already stepped up organizational activities, AIUDF general secretary, Siddique Ali Thakuria said.

Thakuria said that as a political party it is AIUDF's responsibility to highlight the civic issues to the public and work for betterment of the city. He said that tackling artificial floods, providing drinking water facilities, proper management of garbage disposal and street lighting are some of the issues the party will focus on.

"As a responsible political party, we are duty-bound to work for the betterment of the city. Today, Guwahati is plagued by many problems because of the inefficiency of the ruling government," Thakuria said. He added that the Congress-led government has failed to address the problems faced by Guwahati residents.

"A few minutes of downpour leaves the city under water. The artificial floods problem should have been taken care of by the Congress government long ago. But it wasn't. AIUDF should give a proper reply to the failures of the government," Thakuria added.