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After 16 years, Sursagar Lake to have boating once again

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Indian Express 23.09.2009

After 16 years, Sursagar Lake to have boating once again

Barodians may soon enjoy boating in the Sursagar Lake. The Standing Committee of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) is likely to take the final decision on the proposal on September 25.

The proposal to start boating services has come from Dolphin Entertainment and it has been included in the meeting agenda for final decision, said officials at VMC’s tourist department. They said it is only a formality to bring the proposal in the Standing Committee meeting and will be passed without any problems.

“Barodians will soon get the experience of boating in the lak after a gap of 16 long years,” said a senior official at VMC.

While three firms had come forward to offer their services for boating facilities, Dolphin Entertainment was selected. It will be allowed to function against a licence fee of Rs 5.22 lakh per year.

Though tenders for the project had been floated in December 2008, because of stringent rules and regulations imposed by VMC, not many came forward for the project.

In 1993, VMC had stopped boating facility in the Sursagar Lake after 22 people, including nine children, had died after a boat capsized. The mishap raised several questions about the loopholes in the system and the case went on for years together in court.

More than a decade later, VMC decided to bring back the fun of boating after instituting several stringent rules and regulations for the operator.

VMC plans to introduce five two-seater boats and 10 four-seater pedal boats. Half hourly rides will come at a cost of Rs 25 and Rs 40 respectively.

According to the new conditions considered, the number of the boats will be limited and the material of the boats will be fibre and not wood.

The boats will not be motor-driven; they will be pedal boats. Further, life-saving equipment are a must on board as well as for rescue operation in case of any untoward incident.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:29