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'Salary hike for outsourced GHMC staffers'

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The Times of India              18.06.2013

'Salary hike for outsourced GHMC staffers'

HYDERABAD: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) will increase salaries of outsourced employees by recommending the same to the Pay Revision Commission. Municipal administration minister M Maheedhar Reddy has directed GHMC commissioner MT Krishna Babu to prepare a proposal for the pay hike.

The minister on Monday held a meeting with the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Employees Union (GHMEU), the recognised union, and municipal administration and urban development (MA&UD) department officials in the wake of strike notices issued by the GHMEU. The union leaders were demanding increase in salaries every year, insurance coverage and city allowance to outsourced employees and house sites to permanent employees.

The minister said the MA&UD department and the GHMC would consider the issue of increasing salary and city allowance. The GHMC commissioner also said they would have a tie-up with SBH, where salary accounts of employees are being maintained, to extend insurance coverarge of Rs 4 lakh for accidental death. He added that Rs 1 lakh is usually given by the mayor from the discretionary fund in all cases of accidental death of workers apart from insurance coverage from ESI and EPF Trust.

GHMEU president U Gopal said they would decide whether or not to go on strike from Tuesday after going through the assurances given by the minister in the minutes of the meeting.