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City corporation plans dairy farm again

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The New Indian Express          02.07.2013

City corporation plans dairy farm again

The City Corporation, in an effort to yield fruits from the now defunct Vilappilsala waste treatment plant, is again mooting the dairy farm project. Through setting up a most-modern farm, according to the plans, it is also aiming to provide job opportunities to Kudumbashree workers.

 The Corporation officials say that the plan had to be dropped when announced the first time, as there were protests from the local people against setting up the dairy. Even though the Corporation approved a tender for the work worth Rs 40 lakh, the contractor later backed out citing inconvenience to set up the project there. It is in this situation that the civic body is going ahead with the project again.  “Farming activities are already going on at Vilappilsala. An activity group will be trained for the job after setting up the infrastructure,” said Welfare Standing Committee chairman Palayam Rajan.

 A Kudumbashree unit will be formed for this purpose at the place. Infrastructure will be built with bank assistance, of which the Corporation will bear fifty per cent. The project is estimated at Rs 20 lakh right now, even when the officials say that it may go up to some Rs 60 lakh.

 It is under the ‘Nature Fresh’ project of the Corporation that the milk distribution is being planned to be carried out. The farm where the cows are to be reared will be a state-of-the-art one with automatic facilities to feed and wash. Taking care of the cattle will be the task of Kudumbashree workers.

 “Right now, the plan is to supply milk to anganwadis, nursery schools and Ananthapuri Cafes under the Corporation. The Corporation has more than 600 anganwadis and 10 nurseries. The project is expected to provide jobs for at least 10 Kudumbashree workers,” said Works Standing Committee chairman V S Padmakumar.