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Kenyan team meets DDA to study low-cost housing

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The Indian Express            10.07.2013

Kenyan team meets DDA to study low-cost housing

A Kenyan delegation comprising four senior officers from the African country's Ministry of Housing visited Delhi Development Authority on Tuesday to study policies and programmes related to affordable housing.

"According to the leader of the delegation, the objective of the visit is to study the best practices in development so that the same can be adopted for formulating a housing policy and other policies for poor and underprivileged in Kenya. The delegation interacted with all the senior officers of housing, land management and Engineering department of DDA to ascertain the details of DDA's system of working, various provisions in the policy, disposal modalities and slum rehabilitation schemes," DDA spokesperson Neemo Dhar said.

They were informed about the working of DDA, EWS housing, in-situ development and general housing taken up by DDA.

Although the DDA is not likely to meet its low-cost housing target in the near future, the land agency had sent a six to seven-member delegation "to study such housing models in the US and UK".

Projects related to low-cost housing were announced by DDA in financial year 2011-2012 but almost two-and-a-half years later, the land agency seems far from meeting its own deadline with only 2,300 flats having been constructed till date.

Other EWS housing projects are at various stages of construction and tendering, according to DDA.