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Delhi limps behind in walkability index

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The Times of India 26.09.2009

Delhi limps behind in walkability index

NEW DELHI: If you are among those Delhiites who rely on walking to complete most of your chores, you deserve more than a pat. For, you do so in a
pedestrian-unfriendly city, which does not rate walking anywhere near transport although 32% of its citizens mostly get about on foot.

A look at Delhi's congested footpaths and crumbling sidewalks is proof enough of the pedestrian nightmare but now a Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) report has pointed to how deficient the city is in terms of ``walkability''. Despite its densely packed population, Mumbai seems more walker-friendly with as much as 55% of its population walking regularly.

Despite the large number of urban ``walkers'', WWF's Alternative Urban Futures Report, to be released at the First Habitat Summit in the city on Saturday, reveals the absence of any emphasis on pedestrians, street culture and walkways as far as urban planning goes. Gurgaon, for instance, is indicated as almost totally lacking sidewalks -- a fact readily evident to its residents.

The allocation of funds in Delhi tells the story. Despite budgets almost doubling between 2002-07, 80% of the money spent on transport has gone into widening roads, sometimes at the cost of sidewalks. Hardly any has been spent on pedestrian facilities. This, the report points out, is in sharp contrast with cities like London where the footpaths on Oxford Street are as wide as the road itself.

Even though suburban trains carry thousands of Mumbai commuters to work, the sight of people pouring out of stations onto connecting bridges and walkways is common enough. Mumbai is followed by Ahmedabad where 40% of the people walk to get around, followed by Bangalore at 10% and Kolkata 11%.

The study of 30 Indian cities shows that on an average, almost 40% of all trips in urban India still do not involve motorized vehicles - 28% walked and 11% cycled. The proportion rose sharply in smaller towns since distances were usually small and roads less congested. However, in bigger cities, the proportion of people using conventional public transport was high, and consequently commuters walked the last mile.

For instance, in cities with more than eight million population, 22% walked all the way, 8% used cycles and 44% public transport. This adds up to 74% people who rely on non-motorised transport for at least part of their commute, the study adds.

The study elaborates walkability as requiring ``a whole gamut of urban design requirements like density, mixed use, street life, pedestrian crossings, tree shade, public spaces'' etc.

Sanjeev Sanyal, founder of the Sustainable Planet Institute, said: ``It is a myth that it is too hot to walk in a city like Delhi. Singapore has hot and humid temperature almost throughout the year but people still walk there. The problem is walking and cycling are not being included as a legitimate form of transport.''

Referring to the proposal to cover drains, Delhi chief secretary Rakesh Mehta said, ``We started the Delhi Greens project but due to multiplicity of authority - the drains fell under MCD or NDMC and the areas around it under DDA, PWD or MCD.'”

Experts feel the need for proper demarcation of utilities. ``Delhi lacks a clear road hierarchy in terms of expressways, arterial roads and community roads. This makes it tough to build a network of footpaths as different roads have different pedestrian needs,'' said OP Agarwal, CEO, Urban Mass Transit Company.

Added Gaurav Gupta, director, The Climate Project, India: ``Private vehicles in India account for 67.5% of motorised vehicles, carry 37% of the commuters and take up 67% of the road width. Buses account for 24.5% of motorised vehicles on the road and carry around 61% commuters, taking up 38% road width. Cities are emerging like in blots on the bio-diversity landscape and we need to prevent this before the situation worsens.''

Now, Centre to launch national mission on sustainable habitat

The UPA government is all set to launch a National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, aiming to improve energy efficiency in buildings and better management of solid waste besides facilitating shift to public transport.

The Mission, expected to be cleared by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh soon, suggests framing “sustainable habitat standards” to increase energy efficiency in residential and commercial sector, urban transport, water supply and sewage, urban planning and municipal waste. An official said the standards would be finalised within three months of the Mission’s launch.

To ensure that future developments address climate change concerns, these standards will be integrated with building bylaws, development control norms and motor vehicle laws, an official said. The mission is being worked out by the urban development ministry.