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Urban infrastructure needed for planned city growth: Guwahati mayor

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The Times of India          12.08.2013

Urban infrastructure needed for planned city growth: Guwahati mayor

GUWAHATI: Guwahati Municipal Corporation mayor Abir Patra talks to Kangkan Kalita about his civic plans.

Q: Guwahati is plagued by urban flooding, lack of proper drainage and bad roads. But the government is projecting the city as the gateway to southeast Asia. How do you plan to make the city a megapolis?

A: The five-year term is not enough. I will set priorities to build urban infrastructure so that the city experiences a planned growth. Urban floods, piling up of garbage and lack of adequate streetlights are three areas of utmost concern. I will approach the Centre for more financial assistance.

Q: What about improving the sewerage system, implementing the ropeway project and beautification of the Brahmaputra river bank?

A: I will discuss the progress of the projects with the Guwahati Development Department.

Q: Denizens are unhappy with GMC's solid waste management. People are unhappy with the working of the Hyderabad-based Ramky Group, which has been assigned the job of managing solid waste in the city. Are you going to take a serious note of the garbage menace?

A: I agree that garbage disposal has not been done in a proper way. I am personally going to talk to the officials of Ramky and if required GMC will look into the option of cancelling the agreement. But the people will also have to change their habits.

Q: Slums have been increasing. The number of dwellers has gone up to 1.5 lakh, leading to rampant encroachment...

A: A fresh study needs to be conducted. Unless alternative housing facilities for the urban poor are provided, the problem of slums cannot be solved. I am hopeful that proper implementation of the Rajiv Awas Yojana will solve this problem to a great extent.

Q: What are your plans to systematize parking lots?

A: I want speedy installation of CCTV cameras in parking lots. People should also inform the GMC about unauthorized parking.

Q: Can we expect any change in the grievance redressal cell of GMC?

A: The mechanism will be boosted. We will ensure that complaints are addressed.

Q: Since 2008, GMC has been functioning without elected representatives. Because of lack of public representation, many areas have not got the attention of bureaucrats...

A: If we receive timely financial assistance, change will be visible in the next six months. But to make Guwahati free from civic woes, it will take more than five years.

Q: There is a buzz that you may not be able to complete your tenure...

A: I am confident of completing five years as mayor. The majority of my party councillors want me as mayor. I am not aware of any decision at the party level to replace me from the mayor's position.