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Mayor inspects flood affected areas

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The Times of India             14.08.2013

Mayor inspects flood affected areas

Mayor Abhilasha Gupta inspected many flood affected areas of the city on Tuesday and took stock of the situation. Corporators including Shiv Sewak Singh, SumanShukla and social activist Kamlesh Singh were present during the inspection. She inspected the areas of Salori, ChandpurSalori, ChothaBaghara, BakshiBandh, BakshiKhurd, BakshiKalan, Daraganj, Jondhwal, Teliarganj, Baluaghat and other areas.

She also inspected various pumping stations. At the Bukshi Bandh pumping station, two pumps were found in defunct state. As a result, the areas that are located adjacent to the pumping station were extensively waterlogged. Residents of the area urged that two more pumps of large capacity should be installed at the pumping station so that water can be properly drained out. The inspection team also visited Chachar Nala pumping station. The executive engineer informed that due to less amount of water in the Chachar Nala, only three pumps are operational. When the level of water will increase, other pumps will be operated. Mayor has appealed to the district magistrate to make arrangements for providing relief to flood victims.

Further, arrangements of boats, food and medicines should be made for the affected people. Mayor has directed municipal commissioner that the street lights in the flood affected areas should be illuminated. Further, nagar nigam shelter homes at Daraganj and nagar nigam schools should be opened for flood affected people.