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Former clerk at BMC ranks first among NGO's list of corporators

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The Indian Express         04.09.2013

Former clerk at BMC ranks first among NGO's list of corporators

Hemangi Worlikar, 41, won her first election in February 2012. A former clerk at BMC, Worlikar has been ranked one among 227 BMC corporators in a survey conducted by NGO Praja Foundation.

Seven among the top 10 corporators named by the NGO are women. candidates were ranked based on opinion of electorates and data received from household surveys. Around 24,594 samples were taken into account.

Eight years ago, homemaker Worlikar joined the BMC as a clerk under an executive engineer at the water supply and sewerage department. Her job profile then was to prepare proposals and move files for sanctions. Six years later, Shiv Sena (SS) candidate Worlikar was elected from ward no188 — that includes Worli Village, Adarsh Nagar and Janta Colony among others —. She bagged10,441 votes.

On being elected, Worlikar introduced a system of garbage collection in push-carts at night. "Worli Koliwada, surrounded by the sea on three sides, was a breeding ground for garbage disposed on the shore. The push-carts at night were brought in, in addition to the morning garbage collection," said Worlikar.

Worlikar is currently working to facilitate two separate lines for sewerage and storm water which are connected to one line in Worli Koliwada. "More than 100 years old, the Shankar Mandir in my ward has been in the proposed list of heritage sites. The listing has caused redevelopment work on the old residential buildings surrounding the temple to be stalled, as structures in 10 metres of a heritage site is prohibited by BMC," said the Worli corporator.

She is currently working on the redevelopment work on the old buildings to get started.

Known as an active participant in House sessions at BMC, Worlikar was always enthusiastic about her work. Nilakshi Desai, under whom Worlikar worked, said, "Once when I was away on a two-month leave, Worlikar had handled all the work at the office with ease. She was active and enthusiatic."

In her first term alone, Worlikar surpassed many of her seniors in the rank card. SS leader Yashodar Phanse, who ranked third in the list, said, "She was always hardworking and always took her work seriously. It is no surprise that she has topped the list."