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Corporation resolution seeks check on prices in Supplyco

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The Hindu         28.08.2014  

Corporation resolution seeks check on prices in Supplyco

Corporation asks State to monitor prices in Supplyco stores

The Kozhikode Municipal Corporation Council on Wednesday passed a resolution urging the State government to withdraw the increase in the prices of essential commodities in the Supplyco stores.

M.Radhakrishnan of CPI(M) who presented the adjournment motion said that the prices of commodities in Supplyco stores have risen so much that they match the prices in other stores.

He said that there was already a steep price rise during Eid-ul-Fitr and another steep rise so soon would burn the pockets of the common man. Councillor V. Sudheer of the CPI(M) said that the price rise was normal during the Onam season, but the State government did not have the political will power to control it like in earlier years. Councillors Zakariya P. Hussain (Congress), P.Avaran (IUML), C.P.Salim (Congress), Janamma Kunhunni [(CPI(M)] and K.Balagopalan (Congress) spoke on the occasion. To lighten up the situation, Councillor K. Ravindran of CPI(M) recited a poem by Vyloppilly Sreedhara Menon. The motion was unanimously passed. Later the Council passed a 170-point agenda. The councillors T. Moideen Koya [CPI(M)], Nabeesa Seithu (IUML), T.P.Koya Moideen [CPI(M)], Beeran Koya [CPI(M)], T.Hassan [CPI(M)], C.P.Salim (Congress), P.Kishenchand (SJ-D) and N.C.Moinkutty (SJ-D) presented calling attention motions regarding issues in their respective wards.