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MCC comes under fire over bylaw violation

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The Times of India        24.12.2014    

MCC comes under fire over bylaw violation


MYSURU: The Mysuru City Corporation administration came under attack from the corpoators cutting across party lines on Tuesday as the elected members questioned the official machinery over violation of building bylaws.

Angry members came down heavily on the officials seeking answers from them as to why they are silent on violation of building bylaws during the meeting of the Council. At the end of the heated debate, the MCC resolved to set up a committee to keep track of buildings in the city limits and to ensure that building bylaws are adhered to.

During the meeting, the members complained about construction of a multi-story apartment block at Nazarbad and asked why the MCC is silent even when the builder has violated the floor area ratio. Mysuru is a heritage city and has to protect its nature. But the officials are turning a blind eye towards such violations, they complained. They sought action against the officials concerned and also to book the builder.

Intervening in the debate, MCC commissioner C G Betsurmath said the builder was stopped from constructing additional floor but he has got a stay from the high court. Chamaraja MLA Vasu objected to it saying the legal team representing the civic body has failed to protect the interest of the public. Betsurmath, who is also heritage commissioner, said the urban body needs to amend bylaw which was enacted in 1996 to curb such cases.

Mayor R Lingappa announced that a committee will be constituted to focus on the issue.

The apex body approved the action plan to spend funds for the welfare of the special persons and dalits.

The members complained that the MCC has not properly utilized funds allocated for the welfare of the Dalits and physically challenged. In all, Rs 28.79 crore is available with the MCC for the purpose but is not utilized.