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Ward committees to enhance green cover

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The Hindu        18.07.2016 

Ward committees to enhance green cover

The corporation plans to plant 100 saplings in each of the wards in Shivamogga city

The Shivamogga City Corporation (SCC) has decided to form ward-level committees comprising officials, elected representatives and members of civil society organisations to ensure that its campaign to enhance the green cover in the city is successful.

S.K. Mariyappa, Mayor, told presspersons that the campaign will be held from July 18 to August 3. The Corporation has planned to plant 100 saplings in each of the 35 wards in the city, he said.

The officials have been asked to conduct a survey to identify places where the saplings can be planted. Open grounds around temples, schools and community halls are some spaces that will be used to plant the saplings. Civic workers would dig pits for planting in the designated places, he said.

Mr. Mariyappa said the SCC reserved ample funds in the budget of 2016-17 for the campaign. It would also provide tree guards, and the members of civil society organisations would be requested to shoulder the responsibility of watering the saplings regularly, he said.

He added that the SCC has purchased around 3,000 saplings from a private nursery in Honnali town. The Forest Department has been requested to provide the rest.