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Your booth is just a click away

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Deccan Chronicle 04.11.2009

Your booth is just a click away

November 4th, 2009
By Our Correspondent

Nov. 3: Registered voters can find out the location of their polling booth on the GHMC website at www.ghmc.gov.in. It can be searched either by typing the voter’s name as it was enrolled or by residential address or even by EPIC card number.

The GHMC special commissioner and district election officer, Mr M.T. Krishna Babu, said efforts are being made to open a call centre 155304 and SMS facility also by November 12 to help voters know the location of their polling booth.

Meanwhile, possessing an Elector's photo identity card (EPIC or voter ID card) does not entitle you to cast your vote in the elections. You will be forced to return from the polling booth without casting vote if your name has been deleted from the photo voters list prepared by the corporation. The deletion could have taken place without your knowledge.

The civic authorities have put the onus on EPIC holder to verify whether his\her name figures in the voter list. And, they should have done it before October 28, 2009, when the notification for GHMC polls was issued. They cannot register their names on voter list now and can forget about voting in the civic body polls.

Stating that all arrangements are being made for the poll, the GHMC commissioner and election authority, Mr S.P. Singh, said disfigurement and defacement of public and private properties with election grafitti, poll material and related advertisements is an offense punishable with imprisonment.