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Tracing changing urban spaces with a brush

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The Hindu 05.11.2009

Tracing changing urban spaces with a brush

Staff Reporter

Rajib Bhattacharjee’s work looks at aggressive urbanisation

BANGALORE: “Urban Spaces” is a painting exhibition, which is, in artist Rajib Bhattacharjee’s words, an “outcome of continuous conflict, and sometimes a nostalgic appraisal of the transformation of the city scenario”. Showing at the Gallery Time and Space from Thursday, with a special preview between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on the opening day, the exhibition will be on till November 15. The show is being curated by Akumal Ramachander, who is a multi-faceted artist, writer and musician.

Mr. Bhattacharjee (40), from Kolkata, has shown his work across the country, and this is his third exhibition in Bangalore. He says that the “character of land is a changing urban space, and as a result multi-economic, diverse migration is taking place”.

The artist believes that the underlying sense in his richly textured pictures speak about the “pain the community as a whole is affected by because of aggressive urbanisation.” Call 32969412, 22124117, email timeandspace55@gmail.com or visit www.gallerytimeandspace.com for more details.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 November 2009 04:37