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Curbs on parking soon

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The Hindu 13.11.2009

Curbs on parking soon

Special Correspondent

Steps to be taken to widen many key roads in the city


‘Some contractors have been terminated’

‘Space constraints hampering progress of work’

MANGALORE: Deputy Commissioner V. Ponnuraj said on Thursday that a major drive would be launched to stop roads from being used as parking lots. Steps would be taken to widen many key roads in the city and construct a flyover at the Hampanakatta signal.

Addressing members of the Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) here, Mr. Ponnuraj agreed with a member that a lot of space on the newly laid concrete roads was being used for parking. Promising a comprehensive drive against this in two months, he said, “Half-hearted efforts will not do. A series of actions have been planned.”


He said there was a lull in the concreting of roads because some of the contractors who were guilty of shoddy work had been terminated. New contractors would soon be chosen and it was hoped that city would have good concrete roads in two or three months. Lack of space for utility shifting was also hampering the progress of work in some places, he said.

Under the new master plan, about 65 roads in the city, which were too narrow and could hardly take the city’s traffic, would be widened, he said. KCCI president Srinivas Kamath handed over a cheque of Rs. 2.2 lakh to the Deputy Commissioner for rehabilitation of flood victims in north Karnataka. This was the second instalment of the chamber’s contribution, he said.

Last Updated on Friday, 13 November 2009 05:27