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Towns and Cities

Meeting on property tax tomorrow

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The Hindu              26.12.2013

Meeting on property tax tomorrow

Special Correspondent

The Federation of Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry will organise a meeting at Bangalore with the Principal Secretary for the Ministry of Urban Development on Friday. The chambers would highlight the problems being faced by the owners/tenants while paying the property tax in Karnataka.

The Belgaum Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Belgaum, has called upon the property owners to provide suggestions, if any, in this regard before 4 p.m. on Thursday.

The suggestions made by the property owners would be included in the memorandum to be presented to the government during the meeting in Bangalore.


Vadodara Municipal Corporation gears up for kite festival

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The Times of India            26.12.2013 

Vadodara Municipal Corporation gears up for kite festival

VADODARA: The Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) is gearing up to host an international kite festival in the city. The event will be held on January 8 at the Navlakhi grounds in the city.

The event is organized every year by the Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd even as the civic body is responsible to make the arrangements. Kiting experts from India and abroad participate in the event that attracts large crowds.

A proposal brought to the standing committee by the VMC administration states that various expenses for the programme including those for preparations at the venue as well as its marketing will have to be taken care of by the civic body. Also, the VMC will have to look into the hospitality of the participants who come to the event from outside Vadodara.

The standing committee has been requested to authorise the VMC commissioner to look into such expenses and make the arrangements. The standing committee will discuss the matter on Thursday. 


Corp Council Hall Turns ‘Parliament’

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The New Indian Express               23.12.2013

Corp Council Hall Turns ‘Parliament’

V Sivankutty MLA addressing the ‘Balanagarasabha’ members during the inauguration of the mock parliament organised at Corporation Council hall on Sunday | express
V Sivankutty MLA addressing the ‘Balanagarasabha’ members during the inauguration of the mock parliament organised at Corporation Council hall on Sunday | express

On the Mayor’s seat sat ‘speaker’ Mahadevan, with two sergeants in uniform behind, on his left and right. The dais was decorated in colour balloons and confetti. The councillors were replaced by ‘union ministers’ and ‘parliament members.’

Following the presentation of condolence resolution, ‘President’ Maneesha Madhu delivered the policy address and the house approved it unanimously. Mayor K Chandrika, who otherwise led the procedures in the Corporation Council hall, looked on from the media chamber.

On Sunday, the children of ‘Balanagarasabha’ stole the show in the hall by holding their maiden ‘parliament’ meeting at the mock parliament jointly hosted by the City Corporation and Kudumbashree.  Earlier, they had made a rough preparation the other day, but faced by time constraints, couldn’t go in for a rehearsal. The start of the session hence witnessed itsy-bitsy troubles at first, but that did not last long, as the youngsters got in sync with the proceedings soon.

Though they were presenting a mock parliament, the issues and matters that came up for discussion were about the happenings pertaining to the state. To make things easier, all had in their hands a prepared note, but in an hour, they penetrated deep into the matters of concern, leading to a heated debate.

The question hour set the stage for the fiery debates on issues demanding serious attention. What does the government do to address the ever-increasing garbage menace? What measures have been taken to ensure women’s safety? What measures are put in place for safety of women who depend on bus and train?

Replies like, ‘the subject is left for a detailed study report’ did not satisfy the opposition. Leader of the opposition Aleena fought tooth and nail for a convincing answer, and when the ministers failed to give it, she, along with the opposition members, staged a walkout, shouting slogans demanding the resignation of the minister.

Another member wanted to know why school students have to wait for long to get their textbooks printed. The education minister’s reply of staff shortage and less availability of paper at the printing press was not enough to pacify the member.

The debate at one point took a funny turn, as the shortage of one essential raw material bamboo was said to cripple the paper-making industry. Then it needs to cultivate bamboo and who will do it? When the ruling front was thrown the question, it boomeranged and fell on the opposition, whose leader made an escape saying, ‘it not her job to plant bamboo.’

Every minute, the discussion turned more and more intense. The lunch-break too dominated with their plans for the afternoon than making it a time devoted to enjoying the food.

The mock parliament was inaugurated by V Sivankutty MLA. Mayor K Chandrika, Deputy Mayor G Happykumar and Kudumbashree executive director K B Valsalakumari were also present. The ‘members’ of the mock parliament belonged to various schools in the city.


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