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GVMC woes likely to end

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The Hindu 09.12.2009

GVMC woes likely to end

Staff Reporter

List of works being provided to standing panel members


Standing committee meeting ends without any outcome Budget needs to be approved by Thursday

VISAKHAPATNAM: Hiccups in the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation’s Standing Committee approving the budget proposals paving the way for placing it in the council are likely to end with the details of ward-wise works being provided to members.

With the GVMC facing a fund crunch and requiring fairly big amounts of money to finance the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission works, corporators are experiencing difficulty in getting individual works sanctioned. They made no bones about it by saying in the corporation meeting that while projects worth hundreds of crores had been taken up under JNNURM, they were facing problems in getting works sanctioned in their wards.

Sources maintain that over the last two and a half years, works worth about Rs.350 crores have been sanctioned in the wards. A number of them have been taken up and works in the wards ranged from Rs. 4 crores to a maximum of Rs.8 crores in some wards. However, with financial pressure mounting the Commissioner has put an end to sanctioning works as required by the corporators but strictly only on the basis of need. “There is no point in sanctioning works and taking them up and keeping the bills of contractors pending,” points out an official.

However, the Standing Committee members insisting that proposals be made ward-wise cannot be met as the Government had issued a memo in 2005 not to make ward-wise proposals.

Bias in allotment and legal complications had led to government issuing such a memo. “Since then ward-wise proposals have not been prepared. However, budget accommodates proposals from the individual corporators as well as standing committee members. In fact, it is for the committee to make the budget proposals,” points out the official.


Following the demand of the standing committee members, lists of works taken up in individual wards are being provided to them. With Monday’s standing committee meeting ending without any outcome on the budget proposals, the members are expected to meet again on Wednesday.

The budget should be introduced in the corporation meeting on or before January 10. For it, the Standing Committee had to approve it by December 10.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2009 03:30

Last date extended for UGD connections

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The Hindu 09.12.2009

Last date extended for UGD connections

The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) has extended the last date for giving concession for underground drainage connections up to December 20 in view of requests from the public. The VMC officials have asked the people to make use of this facility and get the connections to their households immediately. After the completion of drinking water and drainage connections, road works will be taken up.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2009 03:22

BBMP wakes up to dog meance in city

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The New Indian Express 08.12.2009

BBMP wakes up to dog meance in city


BANGALORE: With an upsurge in the dog bite cases in the city, BBMP — though still in denial mod — is set to introduce two mobile surgical units and form a rapid action team to control the dog menace.

Based on complaints, these surgical mobile units will visit different places to catch the dogs. As per a pilot project, initially only two surgical units will be operational. “Mainly, slum-dwellers and middle-class people are the victims. The mobile units and the rapid action team will visit various slums, based on the complaints,” said Parviz Ahmed Piran, BBMP joint director (animal husbandry).

Costing nearly Rs 8 lakh, each mobile surgical unit will comprise a doctor and two nurses.

BBMP is also contemplating to form rapid action teams by the end of the month. BBMP has plans to rope in four NGOs (two each from Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh).

The KC General Hospital receives 20 to 30 dog bite cases daily. February, being the breeding period for dogs, could witness a rise in the number of dog bite cases. “There is a possibility of an increase in the dog bite cases in the breeding period.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 December 2009 11:37

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