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Towns and Cities

State appoints CE to VMC

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The Hindu 19.09.2009

State appoints CE to VMC


Staff Reporter

VIJAYAWADA: The State government on Friday appointed N. Durga Prasad as Chief Engineer of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) in the existing vacancy. He was asked to report in the promotion post within 15 days from the date of receipt of the order. Mr. Durga Prasad is being posted here for the second time. He worked here during 2007-2008 for just 20 days.

The post of CE fell vacant after the last Chief Engineer T. Anjaneyulu was surrendered to his parent department in November last.

The Corporation had no full time chief engineer for the last couple of years. All the officers who have been posted left the job for one reason or the other. In less than a week of assuming charge as Chief Engineer, K. Shiv Ram left the city without informing his higher-ups in 2008.

Mr. Shiv Ram worked here just for a couple of days. He was appointed incharge CE after a gap of nearly six months in March 2008. Siva Ram’s predecessor Mr. Durga Prasad was posted here when B. Jayarami Reddy, who worked for about six months here, was transferred to Visakhapatnam.

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 September 2009 01:37

State’s nod for implementation of ‘solar cities’ project by VMC

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The Hindu 19.09.2009

State’s nod for implementation of ‘solar cities’ project by VMC

Staff Reporter

NEDCAP is the nodal agency for implementation of the project

A master plan, having database of power consumption, will be prepared

VIJAYAWADA: The State Government on Friday approved implementation of “solar cities” project by the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) following the “in principle” approval already given by the Union Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE).

The project is aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy and empowering the urban local bodies to address energy challenges at the city level. The MNRE would provide a grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum to the VMC for implementing the project.

Vijayawada is one of the 15 cities across the country chosen by the MNRE for implementation of the five-year project. As it is estimated that 14.73 lakh tonnes of carbon monoxide is generated in the city every year, the “solar city” project would help the VMC in recycling its wastes and reduce carbon emissions that have become a threat to the environment.

The programme is useful for the city in promoting the use of renewable energy activities.

Training programmes

The goal is to promote the use of renewable energy in urban areas by providing support to the municipal corporations for preparation and implementation of a road map to develop cities as “solar cities”. The activities in the programme are preparation of a master plan, setting up of a solar city cell, organising training programmes, workshops and the like.

The Non-Conventional Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (NEDCAP) is the nodal agency for implementation of the project.

The master plan would be prepared with a database of electricity consumption in the city and the estimated carbon emission levels. It will set a goal of a minimum 10 per cent reduction in projected total demand of conventional energy at the end of five years, to be achieved through energy saving from energy efficiency measures and generation from renewable energy installations, officials said.


The Corporation had entered into an agreement with the International Council for Local Environment Initiative (South Asia) and the British High Commission to implement the project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save power consumption and, thereby, conserve the environment.

The ICLEI, South Asia and the British High Commission will help the VMC by providing logistical support through Eco-budget Asia, Local Renewable Model Community Network Project, Development of Customised Emission Tools and Clean Development Mechanism, the officials said.

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 September 2009 01:33

LMC house decides to slap recovery notices

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The Times of India 18.09.2009

LMC house decides to slap recovery notices

Lucknow: The decision taken by the LMC house to slap recovery notice on departments engaged in demolition and construction of memorials has put municipal officials in a tight spot.

LMC sources said that the officials are not able to comprehend on how to interpret the announcement as that would mean the municipal body being portrayed as isolated from CM's pet projects. Officials said that municipal commissioner is bound by the decision of the house while it slaps recovery notices on organisations like Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) and Rajkiya Nirman Nigam for using LMC's machines -- JCBs and earth movers -- in various memorials.

Talking to TOI, mayor Dinesh Sharma said that the demand was raised by the corporators of Congress and Samajwadi Party. "The house gave its nod to the demands. It's a routine affair,'' Sharma said, cautiously. He refrained from mentioning the name of any BJP corporator raising the demand. (Sharma, himself, is from BJP).

Sharma said that the demand was raised in reference to the government recovering dues from LMC account for the electricity used by the Lucknow Jal Sansthan (LJS) recently. The LMC had to cough nearly Rs 70 crore for the bills.

Municipal sources said that the decision of the house would now be forwarded to the LMC administration for perusal. Any drift from the decision would crucially demean the authority of the house which draws powers from an Act -- nagar nigam adhiniyam Act-1959 -- chalked out by the state legislature.

Mayor said that the accounts of the LMC machinery used by different departments have been maintained. "It would be in accordance with the accounts that the recovery notices would be sent,'' Sharma said.

Officials, however, maintained that it would not be so easy a task to slap recovery notices on any of the departments. A senior official said that any such gesture on the part of the LMC would certainly put it in an awkward position. He pointed out the statement of municipal commissioner in the house that the state government has been lending a helping hand to the municipality through the grant of funds on various occasions.

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