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Despite better infrastructure , Rajasthan still among bottom states

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The Times of India                20.04.2013

Despite better infrastructure , Rajasthan still among bottom states

JAIPUR: The government of India's report 'Infrastructure Statistics -2013' March, 2013 indicates that the state made some strides in providing tap water, increasing toilets, developing roads and communication network. However, it all proves to be insufficient for improving living standards of the people and needs a major push.

The report was compiled under six categories of transport, energy, communication, water and sanitation, irrigation and storage. Based on the recent data, it covers the figures from 2006-07 to 2010-11 depending on the availability of the data.

The state had 1,59,902 km of roads in 2006-07 which increased to 2,17,543 km in 2008-09. Despite showing 26% rise in three years it constitutes only 4% of the total road network of the country. The major development took place in rural areas where the length increased from 44,287 to 85,084 km during the same period. But in national highways there was no addition and state highways too saw a decrease of overall 16 km.

Access to tap water facilities per 1,000 households in the state remains low. The report mentions that in 2002 a total of 805 households per thousand had tap water facility but it increased to only 866 per thousand in 2008. In rural areas the growth was more dismal. From 251 it rose to only 285 per thousand between 2002 and 2008. With these figures Rajasthan ranks among the lowest states.

Sanitation infrastructure in the state was positive as the statistics show that from 22.47 lakh households in rural parts, access to toilets increased to 52.84 lakh households in 2012. Nearly 57% rise is among the highest in the country.

Commenting on the infrastructure figures the report noted "Infrastructure services contribute to poverty reduction and improvements in living standards in several ways. In Millennium Development Goals also the role of infrastructure in reducing poverty has been recognized. It has set increasing access to water supply and sanitation service as targets to be achieved by 2015".

In the field of irrigation in Rajasthan, the government of India assessed the potential of 36,99,000 hectares in 6th plan, 41,76,000 hectares in 7th plan and 65,45,000 hectares in the 8th plan. But due to poor infrastructure with no development in the area the state government failed to make the most of it. Against the estimated irrigation potential utilized by the state was 3488 thousand hectares in 6th plan, 3943 thousand in 7th and 5832 thousand hectares in 8th plan.
Last Updated on Saturday, 20 April 2013 11:41

Priority for civic issues: Dinesh Mani

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The Times of India                20.04.2013

Priority for civic issues: Dinesh Mani

KOCHI: The change of guard at CPM in the district may see the party involve itself in issues that directly affect the public. C M Dinesh Mani, the newly-elected district secretary of CPM, has made it clear he would give priority to civic issues and the party would plan campaigns and mass agitations to address concerns of citizens.

His experience as a former mayor of Kochi and an MLA from Palluruthy is expected to come in handy to take up issues related to the public. "Party leaders like P Rajeeve MP and former district secretary M V Govindan had raised many public issues and rallied the people behind the party in addressing such issues. We will continue our efforts to solve problems related to public transport and drinking water," Mani said.

"The public should be vigilant over proper implementation of Kochi Metro rail, flyovers and various drinking water projects in the city. The party has already successfully taken up these issues. The active involvement of the party in issues directly affecting the public would continue," he said.

He said factionalism was a thing of the past and there was no trace of sectarianism within the party now. "The state and central leadership have helped the party in solving factionalism within the party in the district. There is nothing that can be termed as factionalism in the party," he asserted. In the last organizational elections, the party had decided the course of action for the next three years. "We have the responsibility of implementing that decision," he said.
Last Updated on Saturday, 20 April 2013 11:39

Uncertainty continues over new GMC Commissioner

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The Hindu                20.04.2013

Uncertainty continues over new GMC Commissioner

Staff Reporter

A senior Minister not happy over the appointment of Venkateswarlu

An intense game of one-up-manship between a senior Minister and a first time MLA has put the appointment of Zonal Officer, HMDA, K. Venkateswarlu, as the Municipal Commissioner of Guntur in a quandary.

With the Guntur Municipal Corporation on the verge of being included in the second phase of JNNURM works and the possibility of taking up World Bank-funded Comprehensive Drinking Water Project, local Congress leaders are vying with one another to get their man posted.

The GMC has recently agreed to host the Clean City Championship to get rid of sanitation problems and the programme might go in drain, if the new commissioner does not show interest.

Orders posting Mr. Venkateswarlu as the Commissioner were received on Wednesday, but uncertainty could persist till the time he takes charge.

Mr. Venkateswarlu, who was from Group-2 services, has been promoted to the post of special grade municipal commissioner prior to this appointment. Sources said that the officer had the blessings of Guntur East MLA Sk. Mastan Vali, who used his good relations with the Minister for Municipal Administration Mahidhar Reddy to get his man appointed.

But there was a twist in the tale as the senior Minister who represents Guntur-West was not too happy with the appointment. The Minister had earlier pitched for M. Venkateswara Rao, who comes from Urban Land Ceiling Department.

The contrasting stances taken by the senior Minister and the MLA have put the Municipal Administration Minister in a spot and finally he ended the stalemate by preferring the candidate recommended by the MLA.

It was at that moment that the senior Minister moved and got the transfer to be put on hold, sources said.

Some of the senior officers too expressed the opinion that at a time when the GMC was in the cusp of getting a huge chunk of grants from the Central and State government, it would be advisable to have Commissioner with a clean record.


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