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BMC sets July deadline for Unit IV market

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The Times of India                    12.04.2013

BMC sets July deadline for Unit IV market

BHUBANESWAR: Wary of the inordinate delay in commissioning of the proposed market-cum-office complex at Unit-IV, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has set July deadline for the completion of the six-storeyed building.

The ultimatum was served following a visit of the technical committee of BMC to the site on Wednesday. BMC officials have also asked the private developer to furnish necessary documents relating to building approval plan (original and revised) and other test-certificates.

"The developer has assured us to hand over possession by July. Construction work is almost complete," said BMC's executive engineer (division-II) Ashok Kumar Parida.

Surprisingly, the proposed market complex on nearly two lakh square feet built-up area has been under construction for the past 12 years.

"Work for the PPP project started in 2001," Parida said. But he could not cite any reason for the delay.

Sources said the BMC secured the government's permission to build the market complex in the 883 decimal land in July 1998. The civic body signed an agreement with the private developer to construct the complex in February 1999, following which, construction work took off in 2011.

According to the deal, the builder would get 65% of the shops and BMC 35%. The BMC had given the developer time till 2007 to complete the project.

However, about 86 displaced vendors of Unit-IV had thrown spanner in the construction work and moved the Orissa high court in 2002. Work resumed after the matter ended on a compromise. The vendors were assured that they would be given space in the market complex. At present, they have been running their business from small kiosks near the fish market in Unit-IV.

Sources in the municipal corporation revealed that the construction work was further delayed owing to a dispute between the civic body and builder over sharing of the property.

"The builder had in 2010 completed some portions of the complex and wanted to sell its share of the property. BMC opposed the move and asked the developer to sell its share only after completion of the whole building," an officer said.
Last Updated on Friday, 12 April 2013 12:00

Margao Municipal Council to focus on pre-monsoon works in Margao

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The Times of India                    12.04.2013

Margao Municipal Council to focus on pre-monsoon works in Margao

MARGAO: Pre-monsoon works and recovery of taxes are the two tasks that top the agenda of the chief officer of the Margao Municipal Council (MMC), DeepaliNaik.

Speaking to TOI, Naik said that as the monsoons are approaching, she has concentrated on mobilizing the resources to get all pre-monsoon works completed at the earliest. Towards that end, while tenders amounting to 9 lakhs have already been issued by the MMC for the task of desilting the drains, the MMC has also written to the water resources department (WRD) to deploy earth-moving machines for desilting the big nallahs in the city.

"We had written to the WRD almost two months ago, and we are now pursuing the matter with them," Naik said. The desilting of nullahs is carried out by the MMC before monsoons every year with a view to prevent flooding in low lying areas during heavy rains. Besides, tenders have also been issued for covering the dump at Sonsoddo with tarpaulin and for purchasing bigger size dustbins, it was informed.

As regards the recovery of taxes-arrears of house taxes alone run into over 5 crore-Naik said that she would soon take effective measures after taking the concerned staff into confidence. "I am working on the plans and once the plan of action is finalized I will spell it out," Naik said. Insufficient staff strength is also a factor that is hampering the revenue recovery process, Naik indicated, and hinted at shuffling of the staff to bolster the recovery section.

Meanwhile, the biometric attendance recording system, which had witnessed stiff resistance from the MMC employees association, will be implemented from April 16, Naik said.

"My predecessor, Sandhya Kamat, has already held a meeting with the employees association and they have agreed to cooperate. The implementation of the (biometric attendance system) will be implemented, as earlier decided, from April 16," Naik said.
Last Updated on Friday, 12 April 2013 11:49

Corporation of the City of Panaji website lists predecessors as mayor; deputy

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The Times of India                    12.04.2013

Corporation of the City of Panaji website lists predecessors as mayor; deputy

PANAJI: Despite chief minister ManoharParrikar stating in his 2012 Budget that e-governance and IT would be given a renewed thrust with departments undertaking an IT initiate every few months, it seems this is not being taken seriously with even simple tasks like updating of websites not being undertaken.

A week after Surendra Furtado was elected as the new mayor of Panaji and Bento Lorena as deputy mayor, the official Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) website lists their predecessors Vaidehi Naik as mayor and Tony Rodrigues as deputy mayor under the elected members section. Furtado and Lorena were elected as mayor and deputy mayor on April 4, though the election was initially slated for March 20.

Incidentally, even the message from the mayor was not updated since the creation of the website and this section on the homepage of the website displays a "coming soon" label and carries Naik's name, although her term ended nearly a month ago.
Last Updated on Friday, 12 April 2013 11:48

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