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90-day wait over, nod to build within a month now

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Indian Express   10.06.2010

90-day wait over, nod to build within a month now

Syed Khaique Ahmed Tags : urban development, real estate Posted: Thu Jun 10 2010, 01:03 hrs

Ahmedabad:  Auda move to shorten window period for plan approval to help boost urban development

The Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA), which took several new initiatives in the last three months that included incorporating Bopal township within its limits, has now taken a decision to approve building plans within 30 days. The move is considered to be significant for real estate developers because the agency earlier took at least 90 days to clear building plans.

Officials say the new directives will check the unnecessary harassment of developers by keeping their plans pending on one pretext or the other. The long time allowed for approval of building plans, say sources, was many times allegedly used to arm twist the builders for ulterior


AUDA chairman Dharmendra Shah said the decision was taken after consultation with planners and experts involved in urban development activities.

The decision has been welcomed by officials of the Gujarat Institute of Housing and Estate Developers(GIHED), the biggest body of real estate developers and builders.

GIHED president Suresh Patel said: “It will reduce harassment... fix the responsibility on individual officers for any delay beyond the stipulated period.”

He said that officials, after the new fiat, would have to explain as to why they did not clear the building plans if there was no objection. He said the officials previously did not raise all the queries or objections at one time so that the developers could answer them or fulfil the requirements immediately. The different queries, he said, were raised one after the other in a gap of some days or weeks that actually led to the delay in filing replies from builders side and hence, caused delay in granting building permission. 

“But the new directive to complete the process and grant permission within 30 days will quicken everything and it will be in the interest of AUDA, builders as well as property buyers,” said Patel.

GIHED vice-president Yogesh Bhavsar said the development would boost the construction activities. Previously, builders’ money remained locked in for a long time with no return, but the builders could now start their construction work at the earliest and sell it to the buyers to recover their investments faster.

Architect Pravin Patel welcomed the decision saying “it is a very positive development”.

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 June 2010 11:45