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Detailed Project Report approved

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The New Indian Express  06.08.2010

Detailed Project Report approved

Express News Service


KOCHI: The Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the muchtouted Vyttila Mobility Hub has been approved by the Review Committee. The committee, presided over by District Collector M Beena, approved the DPR prepared by the Kerala Industrial and Technical Consultancy (KITCO).

The report is likely to be presented before the Corporation Council for its approval on Saturday.

After obtaining the nod from the Council, the report will be submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) steering committee with the Chief Minister at its helm.

The DPR will then be presented to the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC), which sanctions projects under the JNNURM, for clearance.

Meanwhile, a total of 16 prequalification tenders for the first phase of the construction of the Mobility Hub has already been scrutinised. According to sources, out of the 16, ten tenders are under the consideration of the Vyttila Mobility Hub Society.

Last Updated on Friday, 06 August 2010 07:56