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Urban localities will now have area sabhas

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The New Indian Express  24.08.2010

Urban localities will now have area sabhas

BHUBANESWAR: Urban areas will now have Area Sabhas, just like rural areas have Palli Sabhas. The State Government is likely to place a bill in this connection before State Assembly in its next session.

Community Participation Law, as mandated under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), is aimed at ushering in greater municipal functions, representation and accountability through Area Sabha.

Just like a Gram Sabha has statutory powers, an Area Sabha will necessarily be armed with similar kinds of jurisdiction if not more.

Under the JNNURM, urban reforms are prescribed for states implementing various projects in community participation, basic objective being institutionalising citizen participation and introduction of Area Sabha concept.

According to Urban Development Department sources, the objective is to involve citizens in municipal functions like setting priorities, budgeting provisions. The Community Participation Law refers to the appropriate provisions that need to be made at the state-level municipal statutes for the establishment of such a three or four-tier structure.

As per the mandate of JNNURM, a polling station would be constituted as a unit. Basing on elections, the residents under the polling station will either elect or nominate members to the Area Sabha which will have the local corporator in a main position.

“Currently, a corporator holds sway while taking decisions in wards which are the smallest unit in an urban local body. He or she tends to favour areas that may be politically beneficial. However, an Area Sabha will change the scenario with better representation of people’s voice resulting in welfare in general,” said sources.

The Community Participation Law, however, will clearly spell out structure as well as functions. A clear definition of functions, duties and powers and appropriate devolution of funds, functions and functionaries will also be decided by the State Government.

The State Cabinet has already given its nod to the legislation which will soon be tabled in the State Assembly.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 10:57