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Weeds and waste dominate most TMC parks in making

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The Deccan Herald  20.09.2010

Weeds and waste dominate most TMC parks in making

Bangarpet: Sep 19, DHNS:

The Town Municipal Council allotted a space for a park in the Shantinagar Ward. However, it did not bother to manage the plot.

The land is filled with weeds, waste and even drain water emitting an offensive odour.

The Council allotted the space for a park with an intention of beautifying the Town. There would also be several places for children and elders to spend time and relax. Greenery will increase, which would be a positive step towards saving the environment, planned the Council.

It therefore allotted spaces in all developing layouts in Town for such parks. Thus, various plots of land of different measurement were allotted for parks at different places in Shantinagar.

Implementation of the plan, however, seemed missing from the agenda of the Council. The allotted plots have thus far been ignored by the Council for several years.

Civic problems
The worse part of it is that while on the one hand, the parks are not coming up, on the other hand, people living near the plots in the different layouts are experiencing difficulties as a result of the ignored plots.

Lack of hygiene is the foremost in the list of problems. Weeds have grown tall and taken up most of the area on the plots. This also conveniences snakes from the nearby Karahalli Doddakere lake, which slider onto the plots. Rain water too settles on the land, leading to foul smell in time.

The plot for the park has now become a dumping ground for waste from construction plots. Heaps of mud and bricks stand out on the land. This, in turn, has encouraged the people in the layout themselves to use the plot as a garbage dump, adding to the unhygienic condition.

Further, in combination of the garbage and the rain water, the land has become a drain. People living adjacent to the plot live forever fighting mosquitoes, flies and other such insects, and thereby, diseases like dengue and chikungunya.

Repeated requests
The people sent several pleas to the Council to maintain hygiene in the area allotted for the park. Due to lack of response from the Council, the people are forced to live with the problems.

In addition, the plot is being slowly encroached upon by neighbours. The Council therefore has the responsibility of preventing the parks planned from having no space to develop at all, ever.

Shantinagara Krishnamurthy says parks are like the hearts of a town. If kept clean and beautiful, the population of the entire layout will use them. Children will play, while elders would use the parks as discussion places.
Indirectly, parks contribute to the overall development of the town. Therefore, the land allotted should be taken charge of by the Council and the parks developed as early as possible, Krishnamurthy requests.

Last Updated on Monday, 20 September 2010 06:49