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Mayor to focus on overall development

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The New Indian Express  25.11.2010

Mayor to focus on overall development

The Mayor and the councillors of Pottakuzhy, Kaloor North and Panchalam are all set to improve the infrastructure in their respective divisions.

Priority for roads

Division no 64: Kathrikadavu

Councillor: Tony Chammany (UDF)

Bad roads and water-logging are major problems of Kathrikadavu, that has attained VIP status since its representative took charge as the Mayor of Kochi.

Mayor Tony Chammany, says that now that he is the Mayor, he has to think about not just his division but about the whole city.

He lists bad roads, waterlogging, shortage of drinking water, waste and mosquito menace as the major problems in the division that need to be given special attention.

He says, “My immediate priority is for the maintenance of roads. Tender has been issued for a large number of roads and work will start soon.”

He agrees that road tarring needs to be done in a better manner, however, for this “the current specifications for road tarring have to be changed.” He says, “This year the cleaning of canals and bigger drains will be done well before rains so that waterlogging is taken care of. Steps have already being taken to remedy the problems that ail the Brahmapuram plant so that waste management doesn’t get affected,” he said.

Road work, steps to reduce water-logging and streetlights are the priorities now. He says that once he is settled in his duties as the Mayor, he will guide and overlook all the work that is being done in his division.

End to potable water woes

Division no 72: Pottakuzhy

Councillor: C A Shakeer (LDF)

Problems like potholed roads, shortage of drinking water and water-logging trouble the residents of Pottakuzhy.

C A Shakeer, the new councillor of Pottakuzhy, says that the potholed roads need to be maintained.

As potable water shortage is severe in the division, this needs to be solved. “Some major projects to solve this problem are in the pipeline and I’ll be trying my best to get these implemented without much delay. Some other options to solve the shortage temporarily are also being explored.”

According to him, the development of Pottakuzhy-Mamangalam road needs to be carried out. Water-logging troubles in certain areas of the division also need to be solved. Perandoor Canal needs to be cleaned to make the water flow smooth.

“The Kaloor- Pottakuzhy road through the division also needs to be repaired and as this is a PWD road, I’ll be contacting the PWD regarding this.”

He says that the work started earlier for the dispensary and library needs to be completed.

Water-logging woes to be solved

Division no 70 - Kaloor North

Councillor - Pathukutty Ahsraf (UDF)

The development works at Kaloor North suffered a setback last term due to the untimely demise of its councillor, O K Viswambaran. Bad roads, water-logging troubles, potable water shortage and defunct streetlights trouble the division.

Pathukutty Ashraf, the new councillor, is familiar with the problems of the area as she had represented the division in 2000- 2005.

She says that potholed roads and waterlogging troubles need to be solved in the division.

Pathukutty Ashraf says both the main roads as well the bylanes need to be maintained here. Al the drains have to be cleaned and the depth of some drains must be increased.

Silt must be removed from both Perandoor Canal and Changadampokku thodu.

The silt and waste in the Perandoor Canal are causing hygiene problems in the division. According to her, people ought to be discouraged from throwing waste in drains.

Roads to be maintained

Division no 73: Pachalam

Councillor: Delina Pinhero (UDF)

Potholed roads, traffic congestion, water-logging and occasional watershortage trouble the residents of Pachalam. Acquisition plans for the proposed road developments in the area is creating a lot of worries.

Delina Pinhero, who represented the division during 2000-2005, is familiar with the problems that ail the division.

She says, “All the roads need to be maintained here. The streetlights are another problem and I have already got some maintained. Whatever road work has been already allotted will be carried out at the earliest. I have already got the estimate for road work for SRM Road and Chittoor Road ready and it will be submitted soon.”

“Water shortage in certain areas due to pipe leakage also needs to be solved. Drains need to be cleaned and maintained across the division. Some other measures also have to be adopted to solve the water-logging problems of the division. The street sides also need to be cleared of weeds and I have already approached the health department of the Corporation regarding this.”

In her opinion, the proposed coastal road is a good idea to solve the traffic troubles of the area.

“It won’t be easy to implement the project for a main road from Vallarpadom through the division as this requires acquisition work,” she said. She also has plans to develop the P J Antony ground area.

Last Updated on Thursday, 25 November 2010 10:05