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Corporators break silence, press for action against JNNURM delays

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The Times of India                   16.02.2013

Corporators break silence, press for action against JNNURM delays

NAGPUR: The Nagpur Municipal Corporation ( NMC) has failed to complete even 50% work on projects sanctioned under the Central government's JNNURM scheme within deadline, and is facing a cost escalation of around Rs 400 crore. Breaking the years-long silence, corporators from both ruling and opposition group slammed officials, contractors and consultants, and demanded action against them on Friday.

Expressing the house's resentment, mayor Anil Sole ordered an investigation followed by action against those responsible for the delay.

The decision came during the general body question (GBQ) session, introduced for the first time in the house on Friday.

Of 18 GBQs, the house debated eight in one hour and 10 minutes as against time allotted of an hour. In one GBQ, corporators revealed shocking information about JNNURM projects. Leader of ruling party Praveen Datke kicked off the discussion with demand to fix responsibility on contractors and consultants for inordinate delay in completion of Pench-IV water treatment plant and construction of new 24 elevated service reservoirs (ESR), commonly known as overhead water tanks.

Accusing officials of shielding contractors and consultants, Datke questioned the reasons cited for delays. "Shortage of cement, sand and skilled employees cannot be a reason for inordinate delay. All these are part of tender conditions and have to be managed without any delay. Only two of total 20 ESRs are functional till date, escalating costs," he said.

Municipal commissioner Shyam Wardhane explained various factors to justify shortage of skilled manpower, cement and sand. However, Congress corporator Praful Gudadhe pointed out that not a single other project in the city has been hampered due to shortage of sand and cement. "Misguiding corporators and house should be taken very seriously," he said.

Exposing a big flaw, Datke said chairman of water works committee Sudhakar Kohle complained about flaw in one of the works related to ESRs. Kohle said contractors and consultants cannot escape from strict action. "Water supply to South Nagpur is through 900mm main distribution line coming from Kanhan WTP. The feeder line connecting to this distribution line was to be laid below Nandanvan cement road. Shockingly, the feeder line was laid 15 feet below distribution line. Now, work to correct the mistake has been going on for last two months," he said.

Highlighting another such mistake, Gudadhe said the new ESR at Jaitala is not operational due to delay in completion of minor interconnection works. NCP corporator Prakash Gajbhiye and BSP corporator Kishor Gajbhiye also highlighted flaws in the works.

Considering strong resentment among corporators, Wardhane assured action according to provisions in the contract.

The GBQ session also witnessed cold war between Wardhane and chairman of Standing committee Dayashankar Tiwari.

Despite having a majority in the house, not a single woman corporator submitted GBQ, and remained silent as usual. Only Sena corporator Akla Dalal raised issues related to shopkeepers during discussion on proposal related to Itwari railway overbridge.
Last Updated on Saturday, 16 February 2013 11:00