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It’s time to go green, says FM

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Hindustan Times 26.03.2010

It’s time to go green, says FM

The state will carry out a survey of its 22 municipal corporations and 230 cities to check wastewater disposal.

Almost 60 per cent of the wastewater generated is not treated, eventually finding its way into rivers and canals adjoining the cities.

The Budget set aside Rs 20 crore for the survey, which will identify sites where wastewater treatment plants can be set up.

Also, Rs 2,739 crore was set aside for an ambitious river-cleaning programme — a project funded by the Central Government.

The state aims to increase its green cover by setting up 19 new forest parks. At least two parks will be developed in every district, while 10 existing parks will be upgraded.

Rs 89 crore will be routed through the new Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning Authority to conserve forests and wildlife. This fund, which earlier went to the Central Government, came from the diversion of forestland for non-forestry use, such as development projects.

The green plan was also extended to rural areas, where the state allocated Rs 200 crore for eco-friendly villages. The government will give financial assistance for development plans to villages that show promise in areas like sanitation, cleanliness and dispute resolution.

The assistance will include guidance on tree planting, drainage, provision of basic civic amenities, sewage disposal and banning the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials.

The state also waived taxes on solar lanterns so that people make more use of alternative energy sources, reducing the demand for power.

Last Updated on Friday, 26 March 2010 10:32