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Urban Development

Policy to promote solar power projects soon

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The Hindu       03.05.2011

Policy to promote solar power projects soon

Shankar Bennur

KREDL has drafted the solar power policy

Solar energy initiatives may get a big boost in the State with the Government proposing to introduce a solar policy, a step described to go a long way in promoting solar power generation.

With Karnataka having potential to harness solar energy to meet its energy requirement, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) has drafted the solar policy to encourage solar power projects and invited suggestions/objections to the draft policy it has posted on its website.

KREDL will be the nodal agency for facilitating and implementing the solar policy.

According to KREDL, Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) has issued regulations to ensure that 0.25 per cent of the power consumed was from solar resources. Moreover, the Union Government has decided that 0.25 per cent of energy consumption should be from solar resources, which would go up to 3 per cent by 2022.

Also, under the Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy, the State has been given a target of achieving 126 MW of solar power (including the power that the State is expected to get under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission-JNNSM) by 2013-2014, according to the draft policy.

Therefore, the Government has proposed to have a solar policy which, according to KREDL, will be in force for five years from 2011-12 to 2015-2016. The Government, according to the draft policy, intends to bring the policy into effect on June 1, 2011. The policy will remain in force till March 31, 2016.

KREDL has invited suggestions and objections to the draft policy and they, if any, can be sent to the managing director, KREDL, 39, Shantigruha, Bharat Scouts and Guides Premises, Palace Road, Bangalore, or the deputy secretary, Energy Department, 2nd Floor, Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore, before May 16. A committee headed by the additional chief secretary/secretary, Energy Department, shall approve the solar energy projects under the policy.

The deputy secretary, Energy Department, will be the member convener while the principal secretary/secretary, Revenue Department; the principal secretary/secretary, Water Resources Department; the principal secretary/secretary, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department; the managing director, KREDL; the chief conservator of forests (forest conservation), Karnataka; the director (technical), KPCL; the director (transmission), KPTCL, shall be the members of the committee.

As per the draft policy, the State has proposed to generate 200 MW of solar power by 2015-16 for the procurement by the electricity supply companies. This will be in addition to the allotment received under JNNSM. Under the policy, the minimum capacity of single solar power generating unit shall be 5 MW each and the maximum unit shall be 10 MW (both in respect of solar photo voltaic and solar thermal).

The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has asked the States to persuade the people and the local bodies to adopt renewable energy so that dependence on conventional energy is reduced. They have been told to use solar water-heating systems, solar home-lighting systems, solar streetlight control systems, power projects based on urban waste and bio-mass gasification, among others, to save energy.

The Ministry has also proposed an ambitious programme, “Development of Solar Cities”, to promote the use of renewable energy in urban areas by providing support to urban local bodies for the preparation and implementation of a roadmap to develop “solar cities”. Nearly 60 cities in the country have been identified to be made solar cities by 2012. Mysore and Hubli-Dharwad are the two cities in the State.


57.23-cr. Central aid for GVMC

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The Hindu        29.03.2011

57.23-cr. Central aid for GVMC

Staff Reporter

Union Ministry orders release of the amount

Providing relief to the cash-strapped GVMC, the Union Ministry of Urban Development has ordered release of Rs.57.23 crore towards further instalment of additional Central assistance for 10 ongoing projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

Union Minister for Urban Development Kamal Nath has issued orders to this effect and informed Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development D. Purandeswari. Mr. Kamal Nath has asked the Department of Expenditure in the Ministry of Finance to release the funds to the State government.

The release was made following great effort and persuasion by Ms. Purandeswari, a statement issued from her office said on Monday.

Details of projects

The 10 projects and the funds released are: Replacement of the pipeline from Tatipudi reservoir to Town Service Reservoir (TSR) and pumping units (Rs.4.67 crore), provision of water supply pipeline from TSR To Yendada and to Kommadi Junction for augmenting water supply (Rs.1.75 crore), augmentation of water supply to the 32 peripheral areas of GVMC (Rs.18.05 crore), augmentation of water supply to Gajuwaka (Rs.2.98 crore), sewerage system in the One Town area (Rs.2.78 crore), improvement of storm water drainage fron Gangulagedda and Yerrigedda (Rs.5.42 crore), regularisation of SL Canal (Rs.25.42 lakh), comprehensive water supply in One Town (Rs.3.6 crore), refurbishment of comprehensive water supply system in north-eastern zone in the central area of the city (Rs.14.26 crore), and for water supply distribution system under Phase II in Gajuwaka (Rs.3.45 crore).

  • Union Minister for Urban Development informs it to Purandeswari
  • The funds to be spent on the ongoing JNNURM works in the city

    Cept to train govt officials better execute JnNURM projects

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    The Times of India       17.03.2011

    Cept to train govt officials better execute JnNURM projects

    AHMEDABAD: The Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (Cept) University, Ahmedabad has been identified as one of the three main regional hub institutions to conduct training programmes for capacity building of urban officials across the 65 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) cities in India.

    The training will be conducted as a part of a Regional Capacity Building Hub (RCBH) programme under the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) which will be launched on Thursday at Cept.

    Programme coordinator of the RCBH at Cept University, Saswat Bandyopadhyay said, "We will be conducting the training programmes for JnNURM cities in northern and eastern regions, as covered under JnNURM mission. The objective is to enhance their capacity of executing urban development projects."

    The training for capacity building will be conducted in nine thematic areas including urban management, financial management and project development, implementation and management among others. The programme envisages training around 5000 urban and parastatal officials across the country. Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited (IDFC) and Administrative Staff College of India ( ASCI) at Hyderabad have also been identified to conduct the training programmes along with Cept.

    Talking about the importance of such a training programme, Bandyopadyay said, "Implementation of JnNURM in the 65 cities, till now, has clearly highlighted the need of long term capacity building support to the cities. Thus, MoUD has come up with region specific capacity building strategy under the RCBH programme. The RCBH training delivery will begin from March 25 from Raipur and Chandigarh. 


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