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Urban Development

Rs.51-crore development plan formulated for Thrissur

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The Hindu             20.06.2013

Rs.51-crore development plan formulated for Thrissur

Planning ahead:Mayor I.P. Paul has called fora long-term vision plan for the developmentof Thrissur Corporation.— File Photo
Planning ahead:Mayor I.P. Paul has called fora long-term vision plan for the developmentof Thrissur Corporation.— File Photo

Mayor I.P. Paul has called for a well-balanced and long-term vision plan for the development of Thrissur Corporation.

He was addressing the decentralised development seminar of the corporation for 2013-2014 here on Wednesday.

He said projects should be chalked out according to the development potential of the city.

The seminar formulated development projects worth Rs.38.15 crore under the general category and Rs.13.17-crore projects under the special category, totalling Rs.51.32 crore. Projects worth Rs.5.02 crore were prepared as maintenance grant for road development and Rs.6.55 crore earmarked for infrastructure development.

Mr. Paul said Thrissur was a fast-developing city in the State. “Planning should be far-sighted, sustainable and practical. Without a well-chalked out plan, development will be a damp squib. There should be continuity in the projects,” he said.

The Mayor urged the corporation’s working groups not to include projects in the development agenda that were impractical and detrimental to the poor. He said the major thrust areas of the plan would be infrastructure development, welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and women’s empowerment. Deputy Mayor Subi Babu presided over the seminar. Corporation Secretary K.M. Basheer enumerated the highlights of the projects. Standing committee chairpersons and councillors attended.


Urban development ministry keen to set up new firm for rapid rail in NCR

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The Times of India               19.06.2013

Urban development ministry keen to set up new firm for rapid rail in NCR

NEW DELHI: To expedite the ambitious rapid rail connectivity in the National Capital Region (NCR), the urban development ministry will soon seek Cabinet approval for setting of a company. To start with, the company which will execute the project will have a seed fund of Rs 100 crore.

All four NCR states - Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan - will contribute 50% of this seed money for NCR Transport Corporation ( NCRTC) whereas Centre will put the rest.

"We have already got feedback from all other ministries and department concerned. Once the Cabinet puts its stamp, the company can come into operation within two months," said an urban development ministry official.

The company would be headed by a full-time managing director, who would be nominated by the urban development ministry.

The ministry in consultation with the state governments has finalized the three corridors for Rapid Rail Transit System (RRTS), costing around Rs 74,000 crore. Sources said the project is capital intensive since it includes investment for procuring high quality air-conditioned rail coaches.

So far, the alignment of Delhi-Panipat and Delhi-Alwar have been freezed. The elevated rail tracks would be built along the existing national highway corridors of Delhi-Alwar and Delhi-Meerut - totaling 318 km. 


Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority to soon implement land pooling scheme

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The Times of India                17.06.2013

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority to soon implement land pooling scheme

HYDERABAD: For planned and systematic development in peripheral areas, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) will implement land pooling scheme (LPS) in its jurisdiction soon. Land pooling scheme can be undertaken either by the authority, the civic body or a licensed private developer provided the conditions are fulfilled according to the master plan of HMDA.

The draft LPS has been cleared by the municipal administration and urban development (MA&UD) department and would be placed before the HMDA executive committee on June 21 for its approval.

HMDA sources said the LPS would first be implemented in the Hyderabad metropolitan area as there are provisions in the HMDA Act, 2008, for LPS and will be extended to other parts of the state, especially urban development authorities since there are no such provisions in the AP Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975.

The MA&UD department had constituted a committee for preparing detailed guidelines for land pooling projects. The committee has metropolitan commissioner of HMDA as the chairman, commissioner and director of municipal administration as member and director of town and country planning as member convener and vice-chairmen of Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada urban development authorities as members. The committee has prepared guidelines and submitted them to the state government.

Under this scheme, individual owners or farmers could come together to develop land to an extent of 25 hectares (100 acres) or more with the clearance of HMDA and provide basic amenities like road, drinking water and street lighting.

"It will be a win-win situation for both the land owners and the authority. The land owners will get developed land though they may lose some land with clear title and without any litigations and also appreciation of their property's land value. The authority or local body need not acquire any land for roads and other facilities," an HMDA official, who is associated with LPS, told TOI.

The HMDA has broadly divided the LPS into two types. The first type is Road Development LP area, which would be taken up for notified master plan and road network for already identified potential areas. The other category is Town Ship Development LP area. For the second type, the minimum size of layout should be 100 acres.

For LPS, at least two-third (66%) of property owners should be willing to take up land pooling schemes. If some of the owners do not come forward, the authority would acquire land invoking the urgency clause under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. The land owners, who do not wish to be part of LPS, would get compensation as per the Act only. The developer has to hand over open spaces for public purpose to the authority as per rules.

"Initially, the committee had proposed some incentives like building rules relaxations for developers who come forward for taking up LPS. However, later it was decided to stick to the provision of the master plan and existing building rules only," another HMDA official said.

A shot in the arm for city realty

The LPS would first be implemented in the Hyderabad metropolitan area and will be extended to other parts of the state, including Vizag and Vijayawada.

Land pooling scheme can be undertaken either by the civic body or a licenced private developer provided the conditions are fulfilled according to the master plan of HMDA.

The MA&UD department had constituted a committee for preparing detailed guidelines for land pooling projects. The committee has metropolitan commissioner of HMDA as the chairman, commissioner and director of municipal administration as member and director of town and country planning as member convener and vice-chairmen of Vizag and Vijayawada urban development authorities as members. The committee has prepared guidelines and submitted them to the state government.

Under this scheme, individual owners or farmers could come together to develop land to an extent of 25 hectares (100 acres) or more with the clearance of HMDA and provide basic amenities like road, drinking water and streetlighting.

It will be a win-win situation for both the land owners and the authority. The land owners will get developed land though they may lose some land with clear title and without any litigations and also appreciation of their property's land value. The authority or local body need not acquire any land for roads and other facilities

The draft LPS has been cleared by the municipal administration and urban development (MA&UD) department and would be placed before the HMDA executive committee on June 21 for its approval.


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