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GHMC clears encroachments

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The Hindu     27.07.2010

GHMC clears encroachments

Special Correspondent

HYDERABAD: GHMC Town Planning section as part of the drive to remove roadside encroachments, cleared more than 1,500 temporary sheds, shops, steps, stalls, banners, etc., on Monday.

The drive was taken up with the help of police on the roads from Liberty to Narayanaguda, JNTU junction to Raintree Park junction, Secunderabad station to IICT junction and from Tarnaka to Uppal.

Also acknowledging the badly damaged roads on account of incessant rain in the last few days, engineering officials have assured that temporary restoration works, especially filling up potholes, will be taken up on a war-footing as soon as the spells abate for a couple of days.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2010 04:46