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Operation footpath continues

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The Deccan Herald  27.08.2010

Operation footpath continues

Mandya: Aug 26, DHNS:

The ‘Operation Footpath’ which began in Mandya on Wednesday continued for the second day on Thursday also.

Several encroachments on prominent roads in the city were cleared using earth moving machine.

 The operation began on the district hospital road on Thursday, clearing the footpath that had been encroached by traders and road side vendors.

No opposition
Though it did not receive much opposition from the general public, the shop owners on both the sides of the roads showed resistance initially.

 But, allowed the operation following intervention of senior officials of  City Municipal Council. The drive also continued on Guttal road too.
CMC In-Charge President M J Chikkanna, members K L Nagendra, K S Kumar and others were present.
The operation would continue on Vinobha Road and Pete road on Friday and Saturday.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 August 2010 06:49