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Encroachment troubles Ravipuram

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The New Indian Express  29.09.2010

Encroachment troubles Ravipuram

KOCHI: Ravipuram, a UDF bastion,  will be reserved for women this time, after its stint in the general category. Councillor of the area, David Parambithara, also the Environment Work Committee Chairman of the Corporation says that he has concentrated on solving the biggest problem of the division — waterlogging .

According to the councillor, “Work according to the plan developed by Esteem developers to control waterlogging was implemented during this term. The JNNURM/ KSUDP-funded `1.5 crore work of building a drain from the Shipyard area to the lake near Venduruthy Bridge is almost finished. This drain is functional now and has reduced waterlogging in the Atlantis area, where the problem was severe and parts of Ravipuram too. The second phase of another drain from Ravipuram road  spending `35 lakh from JNNURM/ KSUDP fund has also been finished. Once the work is finished it will correct the flow of water in the area and reduce waterlogging to a large extent. A culvert was built by the Indian Railways at K S N Menon Road after litigation.”

He  said, “All the drains in the division have been cleaned and maintained and some raised. Some smaller drains were made bigger, so as to facilitate easy flow of water. These drains were also covered with slabs. Ten small culverts were also built across the division. Various funds were utilised for the work. Roads were also raised across the division to control waterlogging. However, despite all this, he agrees that waterlogging is yet to be solved in some  areas.”

David Parambithara claims that he has solved the potable water problem of the division. “Pipes have been changed and water connection given to some colonies. Severe water shortage in areas like Kannarkkattparambu and Koottanparambu, etc, were solved by giving interconnection from the line to the Island. Here, the pipes need to be changed now.”

He says that besides drainage maintenance, the division fund was also utilised for putting streetlights across the division. Sodium Vapour lamps were put almost everywhere. Almost all the bylanes were concreted and roads tarred.” The councillor says that road tarring was carried out at K S N Menon Road, Kizhavana Road, etc, which were raised and tarred. Some other roads like Karimbatta Road  were tarred. While some roads like Alappat Road and Alappat Cross Road, and Kurisupalli Road and its cross road have been raised but are yet to be tarred. Various funds like People’s Plan fund, Division fund and General fund have been used for road work.

Slum development work was carried out at Kudumbi Colony using the KSUDP fund. The Anganwadi at Padiyath Junction has been modified and maintained utilising People’s Plan fund. Twenty-five houses were allotted in the division under BSUP.  

Residents here complain that waterlogging still troubles some parts of the division. Areas like Kannarkkattparambu, Koottanparambu, etc still face severe waterlogging during heavy rain. Encroachment is another problem that troubles Ravipuram. Lapse of timely evacuation on the part of the Corporation and other authorities have led to encroachment of Puramboke land in many areas around the division.

Ravipuram will be division no. 61 in the coming elections.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 September 2010 06:54