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Prevent encroachments: Mayor

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The Hindu                    27.10.2010

Prevent encroachments: Mayor

Staff Reporter

VISAKHAPATNAM: Mayor Pulusu Janardhana Rao on Tuesday asked Town Planning officials to prevent encroachments and illegal construction on sites.

At a meeting on problems in Zone VI, he said setting up high-mast lights should be strictly need-based.

Tricycles for garbage collection and implements for sanitary work should be purchased and supplied without any delay.

Congress floor leader Behera Bhaskara Rao, corporators I. Satyavati, R. Sailaja and S. Vasanta, Chief Engineer B. Jayarami Reddy, Chief City Planner D. Venkataratnam, DCR Sanyasi Naidu, Secretary B. Durga Prasad and AMO Girish Babu participated.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:37