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Deadline set for removal of illegal places of worship

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The Deccan Herald  03.11.2010

Deadline set for removal of illegal places of worship

Mysore, Nov 2, DH News Service:

The district has set 10-day deadline for the people concerned with all places of worship to clear voluntarily failing which orders will be issued for its removal.

This was finalised at a meeting held here on Tuesday in which Deputy Commissioner Harsh Gupta, Police Commissioner Sunil Agarwal, Mysore City Corporation Commissioner K S Raykar and Mysore Urban Development Authority Commissioner P C Jayanna participated.

The closed door meeting that lasted for more than one hour at the deputy commissioner’s office gave a patient hearing to the parties concerned.

They were given one week time to produce documents to stake their claim over the ownership of land on which those places of worship have come up.

Supreme Court orders

Gupta told Deccan Herald that the meeting is being held in the backdrop of the orders of the Supreme Court that all the illegal places of worship should be removed before December 31. Whatever documents to be given by the persons concerned would be examined by the MCC authorities.

All the proceedings would be done in a most transparent manner which would be acceptable for all.

The DC said the documents that would be given by the persons concerned would be examined within one week. They were advised to voluntarily remove those structures without allowing the authorities to remove them. After going through records, the district administration would issue orders for the removal of those illegal places of worship.


Some informed that they have voluntarily removed such illegal structures and they were complimented by the officials.

Gupta said all illegal places of worship across the city would be removed after ten days and suitable orders would be issued in this regard.

Correct decision

The MCC authorities were asked to go through documents carefully and arrive at a correct decision without giving any scope for ambiguity.

“We will wait for ten days and then issue the orders accordingly”, he noted.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 November 2010 06:21