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‘Speed up encroachment clearance’

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The Deccan Herald  30.11.2010

‘Speed up encroachment clearance’

Mysore, November 30, DH News Service :

Stressing on the need to act fast to clear the illegal encroachments in the district, in keeping with the orders of the Supreme Court, Deputy Commissioner Harsh Gupta directed the officials to take necessary steps towards the same.

He was speaking at a meeting of officials attached with Mysore City Corporation (MCC), Zonal Offices, and revenue department held at Mysore Urban Development Authority, here on Monday.

As per the orders, district administration has been instructed to start works relating to clearing illegal encroachments in public places, including places of worship, by or before December 10, and complete the operation by December 31.

A meeting with Chief Secretary of the state, was held recently, with regard to the state’s take on the operation. “We were told that the state has no objections whatsoever with respect to the order of the Supreme Court, and gave a go-ahead regarding the same,” he said, according to a press release.

Hence, officials concerned need to get cracking with the task ahead and take necessary steps within 2-3 days, the DC said. “The officers need finalise details and submit the plan to the commissioner, for further action,” he added.

Criminal case

In case, persons or organisations who have encroached the land are willing to clear it voluntarily, they should do so within one week’s time. Failing this, officers have to act stern and clear them without further delay. Statues or objects of worship, if any, are present on the encroached space, should be extricated carefully, while exercising due respect, and be preserved with care.

Officers can seek additional police force in order to carry out out these tasks, whenever needed. Priority clearance should be carried out on places used by public - such as roads and parks. Criminal case would be filed against officers who fail to perform their duties, with regard to this drive.

 Encroachments in private lay outs, CA sites and parks in those vicinities, should also be cleared without further delay, he stated. Care and due diligence must be exercised in case of heritage buildings or structures more than a century old being present in the encroached area.

“Officers should conduct themselves in such a way that there should be no doubt or anxiety in the minds of general public regarding this operation.

Do seek guidance from higher officers when in doubt, and under no circumstances, should the people be provoked while doing your duty,” he advised the officers.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 November 2010 05:54