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40 petty shops cleared in HDMC drive

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The Hindu        15.12.2011

40 petty shops cleared in HDMC drive

Staff Correspondent

Forty petty shops on the recently-constructed pavements on Gokul Road were cleared by the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation on Wednesday.

The stretch between Hosur Circle to airport was covered during the drive, which was led by HDMC zonal officers V.M. Hiremath, Galemmanavar and S.M. Ganachari.

Zonal officer V.M. Hiremath said that although the corporation had instructed the shopkeepers and vendors to remove the encroachments on several occasions, they had not responded.

He said that final warning was given on Tuesday, and those who failed to clear the encroachments on their own had their shops razed. Some of the vendors and petty shop owners have demanded that the authorities specify hawking zones for them.