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Anti-encroachment drive near Baradevi

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The Times of India     05.09.2012

Anti-encroachment drive near Baradevi

KANPUR: The enforcement wing of Kanpur Municipal Corporation carried out an anti-encroachment drive near Baradevi on Tuesday. As many as 90 encroachments were removed from N-block. The drive ended at site-No1. Police force accompanied the KMC team. In N-block market, the team removed 34 structures, including permanent and temporary ones. At site-No1, tin-sheds, shanty shops and roadside hutments were removed. Encroachments from Marble Market in Kidwai Nagar and adjoining areas were also removed.

Several illegally extended boundary walls were also removed. The officials claimed to give prior information to the locals before commencing the drive. The locals alleged that the drive began without any information. It led chaos. "The KMC officials always do the same. In every area, they never give any notice and start commencing the drive. We have been living here since years, why we will not protest to save our homes," said Madhu, a local.

The KMC squad also left the debris of the demolished portions of the encroachments along the roads which gave a tough time to those whose houses and shops were demolished. They had to rummage through the rubble to retrieve their belongings.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 September 2012 06:19