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Eunuchs upset with Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation eviction notice

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The Times of India                       13.03.2013

Eunuchs upset with Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation eviction notice

BHUBANESWAR: Resentment is brewing among eunuchs residing near Vani Vihar as the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has decided to demolish their 'illegal' settlement to facilitate expansion of the National Highway between Rasulgarh and Vani Vihar.

Apprehending displacement, the 120-odd eunuchs of Vani Vihar Hijra Basti have threatened to resort to self-immolation if they are not properly rehabilitated before the eviction drive. "We have already been served with notices to vacate the land. We should be given houses to stay," said the secretary of All Odisha Hijra Association, Meera. The eunuchs have been staying on the side of NH for the past 12 years.

BMC commissioner Sanjib Kumar Mishra said those evicted would be rehabilitated at Niladri Vihar in Chandrasekharpur. "We have transit houses where the displaced dwellers can stay," Mishra said.

But the eunuchs doubt whether the transit houses can accommodate all the 120 members. "The BMC officials have assured to provide us only seven dwelling units. But how will the 120 members of our group stay there," said another eunuch Subham. "Our livelihood would be affected if we move to Chandrasekharpur. All of us earn our livelihood by begging in trains. The station is very far from Chandrasekharpur," Subham said.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 11:54