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Encroachments choking arterial roads of steel city

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The New Indian Express                    01.04.2013

Encroachments choking arterial roads of steel city

Encroachments, evictions and subsequent demands of rehabilitation seem to have become the order of the day in the congested Rourkela city.

Given the undue political interference involved in the issue, even Sundargarh administration prefers to shy away from any harsh measures. As a result, there is not enough space left to take up new road works or even finish the old ones.

Sources said for major road expansions and a bridge construction work, hundreds of roadside vendors were evicted. Local leaders of ruling BJD and Congress lost no time to hit the streets for the ‘cause of these vendors’. They sought their immediate rehabilitation.

Rourkela Municipality constructed vending zones at Koelnagar, Uditnagar and Chhend Colony, while the Rourkela Development Authority (RDA) constructed one at Basanti Colony. Slowly but steadily, encroachments are again cropping up. Civil Township is a pointer to this. A road expansion project was delayed for eight months by 25 encroachers with support of two powerful BJD leaders. Under pressure from the ruling party, the Municipality settled them in an adjacent patch of land meant for green belt in the master plan of the road expansion project.

Admitting the situation, Municipality Vice-Chairman R N Mishra attributed it to weakness of the Municipality and political pressure during eviction drives. He said around 30 ‘land guards’ are not well-equipped to protect government land from encroachment.

Rourkela unit BJD president AC Mohanty said neglect by the administration allows illegal occupations to grow into bigger problems as competitive politics compel parties to support them.

Last year, more than 400 encroachers along the approach road to NIT-R on Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) land with political support ultimately forced the premier institute to abandon the road and go for an alternative.

Rourkela ADM and RDA Secretary RN Mishra said as per the action plan, eviction drive would be launched from April 15 and sought cooperation from police and political parties.