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Allahabad Municipal Corporation removes encroachment in city areas

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The Times of India                       05.04.2013

Allahabad Municipal Corporation removes encroachment in city areas

ALLAHABAD: A joint team of the Allahabad Municipal Corporation officials and traffic cops on Thursday removed encroachments in different areas including Stanley Road, Rajapur, Muir road, etc. The joint team chased away local vendors who had set up shops illegally on crossings and warned action if they tried to reset up the temporary shops.

Traffic inspector Indra Pal Singh added that apart from taking action against illegal encroachments, the traffic cops also challaned over 100 errant drivers including policemen in different spots. Till date challans have been issued to over 600 errant drivers, including 74 policemen, on different charges like violation of speed limit, wearing no helmet while driving two-wheelers and over speeding.

Teams of traffic cops equipped with camera speed radars also apprehended over-speeding vehicles on Rana Pratap marg and issued challans to over 30 defaulters. They also checked over-loaded vehicles and issued challans.

Senior cops said the drive would continue in different city areas and advised commuters to carry valid documents including registration and driving licence.
Last Updated on Friday, 05 April 2013 11:59