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12 shrines razed

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The New Indian Express                21.05.2013

12 shrines razed

Sai temple being demolished at Ganeshghat in Cuttack.| Express Photo
Sai temple being demolished at Ganeshghat in Cuttack.| Express Photo

The demolition drive on unauthorised religious structures in  Cuttack has assumed pace with the administration on Monday razing as many as 12 shrines.

Bolstered by the smooth and incident-free manner in which Gundicha temple was demolished, the revenue administration went ahead with the drive cleaning up the entire stretch of Ring Road on both sides from Ganesh Ghat to Khan Nagar.

As many as 12 temples and religious structures, big and small, were cleared off that included Shirdi Sai temple and Shani Mandir.

The operations went on smoothly without any semblance of protest or resistance at any place. Around five bulldozers were pressed into service as the drive was carried out under heavy security. More than 15 platoons of police were deployed to prevent any untoward incident.

Till date, the administration has completed demolition of around 20 temples of the more than 200 identified as unauthorised.

Last week, Gundicha temple, along with other major shrines at Shyama Shyam temple, Ram mandir and Bhakti Vedanta Ashram were razed to the ground.

The demolition would now continue further ahead on Ring Road on the Kathjodi river along Khan Nagar to Press Chhak stretch, officials said.