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Anti-encroachment drive intensifies, 3 fined

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The Pioneer              14.06.2013

Anti-encroachment drive intensifies, 3 fined

The anti-encroachment drive of Ranchi Municipal Corporation (RMC) intensified on second day, on Thursday. As many as three businessmen in Main Road locality were fined Rs 1,000 each on Thursday for illegal occupation of the “sarkari territory” especially the drains and the slabs thereon. 

The drains in cities are covered with slabs. These slabs offer vacant spaces. The shopkeepers use the spaces over the drains as extension of their shops. Thelawalas also place their thelas on the slabs to market their product. Sometimes people themselves cover the drains on their own and use the places as an extension to their shops.

According to RMC deputy Administrator Shailendra Kumar Lal the encroachment of spaces over slabs mars the beauty of an “unplanned city like Ranchi and derail the “incomprehensive” drainage system. With the arrival of monsoon fear of water-logging gripped Madhukar Gupta, the Advisor to the Government directed to get the slabs over drains vacated and drains de-silted.

Acting on the direction RMC constituted a team comprising security personnel, engineers, magistrates, labourers and A2Z people. The anti-encroachment (of slabs over drains) operations started on Wednesday. On the first day of the operation Harmu bypass road was covered.

On the very first day of drive many shops ‘cemented’ over the drains were bulldozed. Thelawalas were shifted. On the second day operation of the team intensified. At least three businessmen were fined with Rs 1,000 each for not complying with the de-encroachment directive of the RMC.

On Thursday the team of RMC focused in the Main Road locality and covered the span between Firayalal and Sujata Chowk. Those who had taken the RMC’s directions seriously and chosen to vacate the slabs could save their belongings those choosing to become the defaulters paid the price. Halla Gari of RMC was also on intensive duty on Thursday. Halla Gari is a mobile team of RMC that take off the buildings materials kept on roads fining their owners and seizing their materials. On Thursday the building materials kept on roadside in front of Hotel Capitol Hill were lifted.

Today its attention time for the “encroachers” of Kutchary – Lalpur – Kantatoli span as the drains and the slabs thereon across the locality will be on RMC’s radar on Friday. “Our aim is to ensure that no water logging happen as the monsoon intensifies in coming days. We will first get the drains freed of encroachment. De-silting will follow,” Lal said.