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MMC seizes goods worth Rs 60K from New Market

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The Times of India               20.08.2013

MMC seizes goods worth Rs 60K from New Market

MARGAO: Continuing their anti encroachment drives throughout the city, the Margao Municipal Council (MMC) carried out yet another anti-encroachment drive in the New Market area, Margao, and confiscated goods worth 60,000 on Monday.

Acting upon the instructions issued by MMC chairperson Arthur D'Silva, the MMC workers led by market inspector Mohan Arlekar cleared encroachments on public spaces and footpaths in a surprise raid in the morning between gates three and four of the New Market area, Sadekar lane and Ropa chawl.

D'Silva said that the shortage of manpower prevented the MMC from carrying out planned works effectively, including such enrcoarchment drives. He added that they had already written to the directorate of municpal administration (DMA) requesting more labour workers to be sanctioned to the MMC.

Most of the confiscated goods during the drive were those belonging to shop owners in the market, who had displayed the said goods outside the shop premises. The MMC workers picked up anything that was lying outside these shop premises, backpacks, umbrellas, footwear, readymade garments and other such goods.

"We found a lot of encroachments along the footpaths which were blocking access for pedestrians ad this will be a continuous process in the days to come," said Arlekar.