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MC to clear booth markets of encroachments

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Indian Express 17.12.2009

MC to clear booth markets of encroachments

The Municipal Corporation will soon be conducting inspections in booth markets across the city in order to check encroachments as well as violations of fire safety norms.

The decision was taken during a meeting of the Enforcement Committee of the civic body.

Encroachments are widespread in booth markets, especially in Sectors 19 and 22.

Apart from those who have been allotted booths, a large number of unauthorised vendors are also running their business from these markets.

The corridors are encroached upon leaving little space for people to walk.

Fire safety norms are also openly flouted with electric wires hanging loosely.

Due to the lack of proper entry and exit points, it would be extremely difficult for people to escape in case of a fire.

Chairman of the Enforcement Committee, M P S Chawla, said: “The committee has decided to hold checks in the markets. Strict action will be taken against the encroachers.”

Repeated attempts of the civic body to remove the illegal occupants have, however, gone in vain.

The checks often fail as booth owners usually get some prior information and when the MC teams reach the spot, the area is free of encroachments. They, however, resurface as soon as the teams leave.

Though MC also claims to have collected huge revenue by issuing challans to the encroachers, it does not seem to be a deterrent for the habitual violators.

Last Updated on Thursday, 17 December 2009 11:48