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Action plan for conserving historical structures

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The New Indian Express  06.08.2010

Action plan for conserving historical structures


MYSORE: Historical temples and palaces will be in better shape soon if the government’s initiatives are materialised.

In order to protect the historical monuments in the state, the state government is taking up a massive programme.

As a part of its budgetary programme for 2010-11, the Directorate of Archaeology and Museums has taken up implementation of the `17.33 crore action plan for conservation of historical temples, Jaina mandirs and other structures in various districts and upgrading museums.

Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmotthana Trust has come forward to provide funds under a public private partnership model for 12 temples spending `1.68 crore.

As per this model, the trust will provide `5 lakh or 40 per cent of the estimated cost of the conservation work. Adding to this, the state government will contribute 40 per cent and the remaining 20 per cent will be contributed by the respective temple trusts.

The museums to be preserved are Green La Gallery, Hospet, Government Museums at Hoovinhadagali, Gulbarga, Srirangapatna, Madikeri, Bangalore.

Palace conservation

Apart from temples, conservation of palaces will be taken up under this project. Palaces such as Nalkanadu at Madikeri, Shivappanayaka palace in Shimoga and Chennamma palace in Kittur are listed to be taken up for conservation works. The first phase of this works are in progress.

The second phase works will commence soon, after the finalisation of tender works. A technical committee chaired by BR Jayaramaraje Urs, secretary, Department of Kannada and Culture, has approved the last phase of of work costing ` 6.89 crore.

R Gopal, director, Directorate of Archaeology and Museum told Express, “corporate sectors must show their social responsibility by extending support".

Last Updated on Friday, 06 August 2010 08:09