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Rs. 36 crore sought for infrastructure repairs

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The Hindu      12.08.2010

Rs. 36 crore sought for infrastructure repairs

Special Correspondent

Roads, bridges, drains in Gulbarga damaged in heavy rain

The Corporation has submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister in this regard

Rs. 33.68 crore spent on development work from the funds granted for second-tier cities

GULBARGA: The Gulbarga City Corporation has submitted a proposal seeking Rs. 35.86 crore for the repair of roads, bridges and drains here that were damaged in the recent heavy rain.

Corporation Commissioner Manoj Jain made a presentation to Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa on August 5 on the damage caused by the rain to public property in the city. He submitted a memorandum to Mr. Yeddyurappa in this regard.

Mr. Jain told The Hindu here on Wednesday that the Chief Minister had responded positively to his request.

While Rs. 31.28 crore was required to repair the damaged roads, Rs. 4.58 crore was needed to repair bridges, cross drainage pipelines and drains in the city, the Commissioner said.

Development package

Mr. Jain said that under the Chief Minister's package for the development of second-tier cities in the State, the Gulbarga City Corporation had so far got Rs. 51 crore of the Rs. 100 crore released for the city.

Of this, Rs. 33.68 crore had been spent. One of the reasons for the delay in utilising the sum released for Gulbarga was the delay in the execution of roadworks, the Commissioner said. A sum of Rs. 52.10 crore had been earmarked for the development of three main roads in the city. Work had begun on two roads, while the tender was yet to finalised for the other.

As much as Rs. 14 crore had been spent on the project so far, he said.

Action plan

An action plan would be prepared for the remaining amount, Mr. Jain said.

This yea, the stress would be on improving roads and the construction of storm water drains, footpaths, and other basic amenities.

Funds would be distributed equally to all 55 wards of the city, he added.

Last Updated on Thursday, 12 August 2010 05:47