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Abattoir to be built in Totu: MC

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Indian Express     31.08.2010

Abattoir to be built in Totu: MC

Express News Service Tags : corporation Posted: Tue Aug 31 2010, 01:57 hrs

 Shimla: The Shimla Municipal Corporation has given a go ahead to build the modern slaughter house at Totu in Shimla.

The people around Totu were up in arms against the modern abattoir, fearing pollution of water sources and environment. The government had heard their reservations on the issue and after this had decided to go ahead with setting it up at the site designated for it initially.

An amount of Rs 5.5 crore was approved and sanctioned by the Centre. The government had given an argument that the modern slaughter house would not release untreated water and solid waste in open and also if the site is changed the money would elapse.

Yet, the government wanted to take support of the public representatives in Shimla Municipal Corporation, where the issue came up today and the councilors nodded in unanimity.

The Shimla MC house also decided to give one month time to shopkeepers who were running commercial establishments in the town without license. The House said that the shopkeepers who do not renew or make licenses within one month would be subject to strict action under the Shimla MC Act and its rules. The house meeting also saw heated debate on the issue.



Last Updated on Tuesday, 31 August 2010 11:41