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Fillip to infrastructure development

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The Hindu  02.09.2010

Fillip to infrastructure development

Staff Reporter

Kakinada will receive a sum of Rs. 400 crores under Rajiv Awas Yojna, says Mayor

We have identified 101 notified slums and submitted a report to the government, she says Under the scheme, houses will be registered only in the name of women

KAKINADA: A sum of Rs. 400 crore would be released to the city soon to develop basic infrastructure in the slums including construction of permanent houses, laying of roads and drains and providing electricity under Rajiv Awas Yojna.

Announcing this at a press conference here on Wednesday, Mayor K. Saroja said that Kakinada was one among the 26 cities from the State selected by the Central government under the scheme.

“We have identified 101 notified slums here and have submitted a report to the State government seeking funds for developing basic infrastructure,” she said.

Municipal Administration Minister Anam Ramanarayana Reddy convened a meeting with the Mayors and Municipal Commissioners concerned in Hyderabad on Tuesday to discuss the modalities. “A draft legislation of Andhra Pradesh Slum (Re-development, Rehabilitation and Prevention) Act -2010 has already been chalked out and it will become an Act very soon. In all probability , a clear picture will emerge by the end of this month,” she said. Ms. Saroja said that group houses would be constructed on the lines of apartment complexes and given to all the beneficiaries. “Instead of distributing pattas to the poor people who built houses in government lands, the government will issue registered documents in the name of beneficiaries,” she explained.

Under the scheme, the houses would be registered only in the name of women and the beneficiaries would not have a right to sell the property. They, however, could mortgage it with the banks.

Last Updated on Thursday, 02 September 2010 09:50