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Hitec City flyover to open on Oct. 2

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The Hindu     24.09.2010

Hitec City flyover to open on Oct. 2

Staff Reporter

700-metre-long facility taken up at a cost of Rs. 22 crore

Work on the flyover almost complete, but for bitumen job

First project in State to be illuminated by energy-saving solar lights

HYDERABAD: Set to open for traffic on October 2, the Hitec City flyover taken up by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) acquires the distinction of being the first such facility in the State to be illuminated by energy-saving solar light concept.

According to HMDA officials, the work on the flyover was almost complete, but for bitumen job and right weather condition was being awaited to take care of it. “The superstructure has been readied and everything else is in place. We are waiting for rains to provide a breather and be able to complete the bitumen work,” an official said. The carpeting work could take about three days or so. The 700-metre-long facility taken up at a cost of Rs. 22 crore comes on 17 piers and 16 spans. In the making for sometime and having skipped a few deadlines due to various reasons, it was taken up to avoid traffic conflicts at the intersection in front of the Cyber Towers.

The street-lighting on the flyover incorporates energy-saving concepts and comes in the form of solar lamps. A total of 59 lamps would brighten up the facility with 49 of them on the deck and five each installed on the two obligatory spans. This gets described as the first such flyover in the State to have been entirely provided with illumination using solar energy that comes at a cost of Rs.38.72 lakh. “The initial cost could be a bit more in installing this energy saving concept but it surely gets recovered in time,” adds the HMDA official.

The flyover coming into usage on October 2 would to a large extent offer solution to the traffic problems along the stretch which gets entangled at the intersection. Apart from the flyover, the project has an underpass planned here but the same was kept aside to provide right alignment with the proposed Metro Rail.

Last Updated on Friday, 24 September 2010 04:50