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Escalators switched off when they are needed most

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Indian  Express    11.10.2010

Escalators switched off when they are needed most

Hamari Jamatia Tags : New Delhi Municipal Council, Commonwealth Games Posted: Mon Oct 11 2010, 03:10 hrs

Delhi:  With great haste, the New Delhi Municipal Council had inaugurated three foot overbridges with escalators to make Commonwealth Games venues accessible to regular visitors. While all escalators worked on the day of the inauguration, they have since been switched off and are not working at a time when they are really needed by those approaching the stadiums nearby.

Savita Pandey, her husband and two children had to take a long way cross the road to the SPM Swimming Complex as the escalators on Mother Teresa Crescent were not working. While Savita had problems using the stairs, others had no option but to use them to get to the other side.

“What’s the use of installing the escalators if we still have to climb 60 steps,” asked an irritated pedestrian. For SPM Swimming Complex and Talkatora Stadium, people have to park their cars at least a kilometre away and walk. The traffic and security personnel who guard these stretches don’t allow people to cross the road on foot and they have to take the stairs.

NDMC officials, however, said the escalators are in working condition, but have been shut down as they have not hired anyone to man them. “When there is no one to man them, they may not be safe for people. We will start it when we get the people,” said a senior official. He, however, could not tell when the people would be hired. The FOBs at Mother Teresa Crescent and Park Street cost the civic body Rs 3 crore each. The third one at Africa Avenue, however, came at a price tag of Rs 4 crore.

Last Updated on Monday, 11 October 2010 10:15